This Side Up is an idea that I've had floating around in my head for a pretty long time. I have always been fascinated by design, both good and bad. For years I've been watching documentaries, listening to podcasts, and watching Ted Talks about design but never really contributing to the conversation. I want to start contributing to the conversation about design. And now, thanks to one especially horrible door, I am going to be sharing my wildly unqualified opinions on design. BTW we'll talk about that damn door soon.
Basically all of these posts will ideally be well thought out and researched discussions about example of good and bad design that I see in everyday life or topics that interest me. But I'm definitely not going to make that a hard and fast rule. Maybe I'll just make smaller posts occasionally just to show off something I see but don't have time to make a full post about it.
Hopefully I can make this site into something great and hopefully you enjoy reading it! Thanks!